Monday, October 20, 2014

How Will Your Tombstone Read?

“How Will Your Tombstone Read?”

Deuteronomy 34:1-12

October 19, 2014

Mark S. Bollwinkel

The seminar leader on estate planning opened the session with this question, “Do you remember the names of your great-grand parents?   Do you want your great-grand kids to remember yours?”  My friend who attended the workshop explained that the seminar wasn’t about money but the legacy we leave behind.   I can’t name my eight great-grand parents but I sure would like to think that, God willing, my great-grand kids would know something about me including my name.

            Throughout history, in all cultures and traditions, the epitaphs we place on the memorial stones of our burial sites say a lot about what we want the future to know.  Simply walking through a cemetery and reading headstones will describe how “mothers”, “fathers”, “patriots” and “soldiers” want to be remembered.

Thomas Jefferson’s epitaph at Monticello, Virginia reads:


There is no mention that he was the third president of the United States, oversaw the Louisiana Purchase and subsequent exploration by Lewis and Clark of what became 2/3rds of the American geography, or that he was a brilliant architect, inventor and farmer.  Jefferson wanted to be remembered for the ideas that transformed his world.

William Shakespeare is buried in a grave in Stratford-upon-Avon, England.  Its headstone reads in old English a humorous warning describing nothing of his accomplishments as if it was his wit that was his greatest contribution to literature and the only thing that would really last:


The words inscribed on a tombstone provide a self-definition by the deceased and/or their loved ones of how they lived their lives. 

Bette Davis the Academy Award winning actress is buried in Forest Lawn cemetery in the Hollywood Hills with this epitaph;


Virginia Woolf was one of the most prolific authors in the 20th century.  She had an enormous influence on the literary world.  She struggled with mental illness all of her life.  Her cremated ashes are buried in the gardens of Monk’s House, Rodmell, Sussex, England.  A memorial plague on the garden wall reads:


            Karl Marx, author of Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto is buried in London with words on his tombstone that call for revolution from the grave:


But not all people want to leave the world an eternal message of hope or doom, some just want the leave the potential visitor to the grave with a laugh; An unknown dentist in an American cemetery is buried with this inscription:


            So how would you want your tombstone to read?   That’s a rhetorical question, of course.  Many choose not to be buried with a marker at all today.  And for young folks unable to project themselves into the distant future, maybe the question would better be, “What tattoo are you putting on a place that everyone can see?”   How do you want to be known, what are your most important ideas, how do you define yourself, what matters most to you in life, how do you want to be remembered?

            Moses, the leader of the exodus of Israel from slavery into God’s Promised Land 4,000 years ago has yet to be forgotten.  We study his life.  We ritualize his accomplishments.  We still remember his name.  Yet he has no headstone and no one has ever found his grave.

            Moses was born in Egypt in a time of persecution of the Hebrew people.  His family floated the baby down a river where Moses was found and raised in the Pharaoh’s household.  He would become a young ruler, would murder a violent overseer and had to escape for his own life into the wilderness of Midian.  There he raised a family and in his 70’s encountered YHWH.  God called and equipped him to confront the Pharaoh, lead the Hebrew slaves to freedom and forty years of wandering in the Sinai.  There he brought the Torah, God’s law, down from the mountain and into the hearts and minds of a difficult people.  He formed them into a community and led them to nationhood.  Their destiny to become a blessing to all people and history itself.

            In today’s text from Deuteronomy, Moses has come to the end of his days.  God leads him up the mountain Nebo to look across the river Jordan as his people prepare to enter the Promised Land.  He will die there on the plains of Moab at the age of 120 and be buried in an unmarked grave.  Yet his legacy of courage, humility and dedication will and has never been forgotten.  He will be counted among the greatest of prophets.  When Jesus is transfigured on the mountain of glory just before entering Jerusalem to fulfill his own destiny, he speaks in a cloud of light with Elijah and Moses (Matthew 17:1-f)

We are remembered for what we do….the headstones of our gravesites are inscribed with the years we have lived and the titles we have acquired; “parent”, “spouse”, “patriot”, “scientist”, “engineer” or “friend”.   We are remembered for who we are….our tombstones include adjectives such as”loving”, “kind”, “always there” or “devoted”.   But we are not just what we do or how we do it.  

Rarely do we find a description of what God has done in our lives, which in many cases may have been the most important thing. 

That was certainly the case for Moses, a fragile and all-too-human being. Because of a previous failure of faith* Moses is not allowed to enter the Promised Land with the children of Israel.   During the exodus Moses is prone to fits of violence, depression and rage.  This humble man struggled with and at times against the very people God had chosen him to save.  If it hadn’t been for God in his life we would not be speaking Moses’ name today.

My hunch is that there are not too few people here this morning, who like me, credit God’s grace with being here and now at all!

In Victor Hugo’s Les Misreables (1862) Jean Valjean, an escaped convict atones for his life by extraordinary acts of service and compassion.   Unjustly imprisoned while stealing bread for his starving family, Jean Valjean will harden his heart to life until the compassion of a priest buys him a second chance.  He makes the most of it; becoming wealthy as a businessman who employs hundreds, shepherding the life of the orphan girl Cosette into a successful adulthood and marriage.   He does as much good as he can along the way.   If you’ve only seen the movie or attended the musical, you may have missed one of the most powerful parts of this novel.   At his death bed he tells Cosette the story of his life and how his soul was purchased for salvation by the grace of God.  Although an extra ordinary hero, Jean Valjean insists that it was God’s love alone that made his life worth living.  He found that God again and again in the face of those he loved.  He is buried in Paris with a blank tombstone, signifying that it was the God beyond all definition and human limitations that redeemed his life. [On the body of many a civil war hero were found copies of Les Misreables one of the most popular fiction accounts during that war for its description of valor, humility and honor.]

            I wonder if Victor Hugo ever read this last chapter of Deuteronomy.  The greatest hero of Hebrew history, Moses, is buried without epitaph as well.  Yet it was God in his life that made all the difference and as a result he will never be forgotten.


It is ironic that today we call a funeral or memorial service a “celebration of life”.  It is more than trying to put a positive spin on a difficult moment.  In the Christian tradition it is our hope and expectation that death is not the end of life but merely a transition to the next.  We take a worshipful moment to mourn our loss, of course, but to also hold up and hold on to those eternal values in the life of the deceased that will never die.

I’ve officiated at hundreds of memorial and funeral services.  I can’t recall one where we celebrated the decease’s stock portfolio, the diplomas on the wall or the balance of their checking account.   Rather we remember those occasions of lasting love; taking the kids camping, a wedding, teaching a child how to fly a kite, a friendship made in a fox hole shared.  We believe the love we have made and shared in this life will never die.   So we celebrate a life well lived. 

Along with the history of the individual, their accomplishments and contributions we also remember what God had done in their lives.   It can apparently be a lot or a little. But we do that remembering with the confidence that on the other side of this life a gracious and loving God meets us in the mystery of God’s love seeking to redeem the most difficult of lives.  And that’s worth celebrating too.  That’s worth putting on your tombstone!

Consider Benjamin Franklin’s at his grave site at Christ Church, Philadelphia:

The body of Benjamin Franklin, printer (like the cover of an old book, its
contents worn out, and stript of its lettering and gilding) lies here, food for
worms. Yet the work itself shall not lost, for it will, as he
believed, appear once more In a new and more beautiful
edition, corrected and amended by its Author


Chukat-Balak/Numbers 19:1-25:9

As the Bible records the tragic happening, the Israelites once again find themselves in the desert without water and complain bitterly to Moses and Aaron.
God instructs Moses and Aaron to "take the rod ... and before their very eyes order the rock to yield its water. ... And Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod. Out came copious water, and the community and their beasts drank. But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 'Because you did not trust Me enough to affirm My sanctity in the sight of the Israelite people, therefore you shall not lead this congregation into the land that I have given them.' "(Numbers 20:8,11,12)


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Consider the Ketchup Bottle

Consider the Ketchup Bottle
1 Peter 3:13-17 |   5/25/2014
The Church of the Wayfarer
Norm Mowery, Pastor

          I’ll bet you never heard a sermon about ketchup.  
          I had to come up with this one before I retire because my favorite food group, after Lula’s Sea Salt Caramels, is ketchup.

           It's the condiment found in nearly
                   Every American refrigerator and on
                   Every table in
                   Every real American diner.
          We put it on everything from eggs to fries to hot dogs.

          It takes some well-placed whacks on the bottle or a healthy squeeze to get it moving from bottle to plate, but, as the old commercial jingle said, "Anticipation" makes it worth the wait.

          Ketchup isn't something that pastors normally talk about.
          In fact, we rarely talk about it at all.          
          It's just something we take for granted.

          I love to put ketchup on everything— except ice cream.

          Momma Tomato, Papa Tomato and Junior Tomato were all strolling down the street.
          Junior Tomato was lagging behind Momma and Papa Tomato and this was making Papa Tomato irritated.
          Finally, in exasperation, Papa Tomato stomped his foot and yelled, "Come on, Junior! Ketch-Up!"

          The idea for this sermon came to me from Malcom Gladwell and his article, "The Ketchup Conundrum.”

          The history of ketchup reveals an interesting story.
          Before H.J. Heinz started making ketchup and putting it in the glass bottle, putting ketchup on anything was the equivalent of pouring toxic waste on it.

           Eating ketchup could be dangerous. Ketchup in 1866, just after the Civil War, was according to one cookbook, "Filthy, decomposed and putrid."

          A short tomato growing season, coupled with the lack of clean storage and the addition of highly flammable coal tar, to enhance the red color, all combined to make ketchup a potentially lethal concoction.

          In an 1896 study, for example, 90 percent of commercial ketchups were found to contain “ingredients that could lead to death."

          Enter Henry J. Heinz.
          In 1876, the Pittsburgh visionary bottled his first batch of tomato ketchup.
          Heinz was a morally strong man who believed that "heart power is better than horsepower," and developed a safe process for ketchup to be produced in a way that was transparent, consistent and pure.
          His factory was spotless.
          His workers were encouraged to be meticulous about cleanliness, and Heinz rewarded them with fresh uniforms, free laundry and even an in-house manicurist to make sure that every worker's nails were immaculate.

          The result was a perfect environment for making ketchup that would not only not kill you;
          it was so good that it became a staple on American dinner tables for the next century!

          Heinz was so focused on transparency that he refused to bottle his ketchup in the opaque brown bottles that were common at the time, choosing instead to use clear glass bottles as a way of demonstrating the product's purity.
          Heinz even opened his factory to 30,000 visitors per year so they could see that the company had nothing to hide.
          By 1906, Heinz was selling five million bottles of preservative-free ketchup every year, and chances are that the next transparent bottle of ketchup you reach for today still has the Heinz label on it.

          Henry Heinz built a lasting legacy and the trust of consumers because he focused on three things: transparency, consistency and purity.

          That clear, quality bottle of ketchup, whether it's the traditional glass design or the squeeze bottle, is still something that people trust.

          If we want people to trust the church must have transparency, consistency and purity.

1. Living lives of transparency
          Heinz made ketchup, but he was even more concerned about making the world a better place.
          Are we as "eager to do good," as Peter puts it in our scripture reading?
          Are we living lives that are equally transparent, "doing what is right" no matter what it might cost us, having nothing to hide?
          Peter offers us some advice on how to live the Christian life in such a way that everyone who sees us will know exactly what's inside our hearts.

          Peter is writing to churches in Asia Minor who are undergoing a great period of distress and persecution for their faith.

          Their environment stinks worse than fermented fish guts, and they're suffering in a world where the hidden agendas and filthy tactics of their opponents are “ingredients that could lead to death."
          Rather than retaliate or turn up their noses at this situation, Peter encourages the churches to live lives of transparency in the midst of suffering, "keeping a clear conscience so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander".  

          Peter says, "even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed".

          The real test of the Christian life is the ability to stay transparent, even when others are trying to dump the spiritual equivalent of toxic coal tar into your life. Suffering is inevitable in the Christian life, but the way we react to it makes all the difference.

          There's actually a website that I discovered. It is: Its mission is to "stop corruption and promote transparency, accountability and integrity at all levels of society.

          Their Core Values are needed in the church: transparency, accountability and integrity.  

          According to their website their vision is "a world in which government, politics, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption."

          Some of their "guiding principles" work well for us to adopt as individuals or as congregations like, “We undertake to be open, honest and accountable in our relationships with everyone we work with, and with each other.”
          This is important for our church as well when it comes to our decisions, our finances and our beliefs. We need to be an open book.

2. Living lives that are consistent
          Have you ever thought about why ketchup has remained unchanged over so many years, while other condiments and sauces continue to adapt?
          Think about how mustard started as plain yellow mustard, but upgraded to Dijon mustard, and then diversified to honey mustard and so on.
          What made ketchup so perfect from the start that it never needed to change?

          Malcom Gladwell first raised this question in his article, "The Ketchup Conundrum," and it sparked me to think about how something as common and universal as ketchup could be so wildly successful and make for a good sermon.
.         Why does ketchup have no competitors?
          What was ketchup's secret?

          The scientific reason behind why ketchup has stood the test of time is in the secret recipe. Henry John Heinz perfected a recipe many years ago that balances all five fundamental tastes of the human palate—
salty, sweet, sour, bitter and umami.
          Malcolm Gladwell discusses umami as a key factor accounting for the sustained popularity of ketchup.

          Ketchup’s success is found in its perfect consistent balance. Any variation throws off this balance that wonderfully compliments so many different foods.

          Condiment makers have tried to make better ketchup variations since Heinz, but consumers continue to choose the original recipe. And to this day no one has found a more optimal version of ketchup.

          How does this apply to the church?
          The question that First Peter asks is: “Are we consistent in the midst of suffering.”  Are our message and our actions consistent over time?

          Peter addresses the question of how to live consistently as a Christian in the face of ultimate issues like death, ridicule, and persecution.

          In the summer of A.D. 64, a great fire destroyed much of Rome. Needing a scapegoat to blame, Nero, selected the Christians. Waves of oppression and persecution washed over the Christians in the Roman Empire. During this period Paul was killed by beheading and Peter was crucified upside down.
          Through it all, Peter’s life and message are consistent.
3. Living life with purity
          Today the word purity has taken on mainly negative connotations.
          It's understood as a sexual concept and is mostly seen as negative. For many people it connotes fear and timidity. Popular culture ridicules purity.

          That's sad because our lack of purity is one of the deep causes of sadness in our lives.
          Purity is not so much about sex as it is about intention. We need a certain purity of intention or we will always manipulate others.
          We are pure when our hearts don't greedily grab what isn't ours.
          Peter says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” Have pure intentions.

Living life with pounding and suffering
          In reading through the New Testament it's clear that God somehow uses (but not causes) suffering to produce something in us.

          In Romans, for example, Paul says that
suffering produces endurance,
endurance produces character
and character produces hope.

          Jesus said that we should rejoice when we suffer, because it means that we're representing him and we're coming closer to the kingdom. Somehow, in a counterintuitive way, suffering can wind up producing the best in us.

          We only need to look at a ketchup bottle to be reminded of this.
          The classic glass Heinz bottle doesn't make it easy to pour out the ketchup. The thick tomato mixture is strengthened with xanthan gum, which makes it a "non-Newtonian fluid," or one that changes its viscosity or flow rate under stress.

          That's why you have to whack a bottle of Heinz ketchup repeatedly to get the good stuff to come out, but it has to be done correctly.

          Pounding on the bottom of the bottle only causes the non-Newtonian mix at the mouth of the bottle to get thicker, thus restricting the flow and making that hot dog a little less hot because of the wait.

          Instead, the way you get the ketchup to transform into sheer thinning fluid, or non-non-Newtonian fluid, is to tap on the top of the bottle or, even more ideally, to tap two fingers on the "57 Varieties" label on the bottle's neck.
          That's the force that produces the good stuff!

          The pounding of persecution and suffering can produce the same effect in us.
          It can either cause us to stiffen, or it can trigger a flow of the fruit of the Spirit in us that can season the world.

          Peter says that this is exactly what happened with Jesus, who suffered for our sins on the cross and yet produced the effect of bringing people to God.

          Peter goes on to say that baptism reminds us that we're people belonging to Jesus and that we're to reflect him in our conduct, our character and even in our suffering.

           As Jesus said, the true people of God will be "known by their fruits".
          Are we presenting ourselves to the world as an opaque bottle of rotten fish guts, full of hatred, sin and revenge?
          Or, are we transparent, consistent and pure?

          O, yes, what does "57 Varieties" refer to on Heinz labels?
          While riding a train in New York City in 1896, Henry J. Heinz saw a sign advertising 21 styles of shoes, which he thought was clever. Although Heinz was manufacturing more than 60 products at the time, Henry thought 57 was a lucky number.
          So, he began using the slogan "57 Varieties" in all his advertising.
          Q: How is life like ketchup?
          A. Like ketchup, good things in life come slow and are worth waiting for.

God of grace, we offer our thanks
          for all those who have given us the gift of new life;
          for those who have let us trust their faith when ours was full of doubts;
          for those who have been a beacon of hope when we were hopeless;
          for those who have shown us a light when we were surrounded in darkness
          for all those we name and remember who have sowed your kindness and love in our lives.

          In these moments of quietness, we ask that you would help us to do likewise.

          As others have shown us what a life of faith looks like, so might we reflect this light to each person we meet.

          You have lavished your love upon us, O God; let it be that the lives we live might readily show your love.

          This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ who came that we might know what a life of love looks like, and who taught us to say when we pray ...

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Prayer of Jabez

“The Prayer of Jabez”
Dr. Norm Mowery
May 18, 2014
Church of the Wayfarer
1 Chronicles 4:9-10

          Recently I have had requests for me to preach on two separate topics before I retire.
          They are Prayer and the Holy Spirit.
          How much time do I have?
          Can I cover both this morning?

          I will start off by teaching how to pray a daring prayer. 
                    It’s brief.
                    It is only one sentence with four parts.
                    It is tucked away in one of the most obscure books of the Old                                      Testament.

          It is the prayer of Jabez.

          There are only two verses in the entire Bible about a man named Jabez.
Two little verses.
That’s all Jabez got. 
That’s hardly even honorable mention.
          I first discovered the Prayer of Jabez when I was a teenager as I was reading the Bible from beginning to end. 
          By the way, that’s not something I recommend.

          I had long ago forgotten about the prayer until someone gave me a book written by Bruce Wilkinson entitled, The Prayer of Jabez.  
          I have since learned that it has become a national best seller and he has made a lot of money on it. 

          Now, why didn’t I think of that?

          The book of 1 Chronicles is a strange book.
          Let me show you.
          Turn in your pew bibles to page 360. By the way, you never have to be embarrassed if you have to look in the index of the Bible to find a book.
          Go ahead and turn to it.
          Take a look at chapter 1. What do you notice about it? It’s a list of names. It starts at the very beginning—with Adam!
          Take a look at chapter 2. It is a list of names, too.
          Take a look at chapter 3. It’s a list of names—the descendants of David. It is a family record.
          Now, chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

          Do you see why I don’t recommend reading the Bible from beginning to end!
          The first nine chapters of 1 Chronicles are taken up with the official family tree of the Hebrew tribes, beginning with Adam and proceeding through thousands of years to Israel’s return from captivity. 
          Talk about boring!
          The long lists of unfamiliar and difficult names—more that five hundred of them—are likely to make even the bravest Bible student turn back.

          Now, turn back to chapter 4. Drop down to verse 9. Forty-four names into the chapter, a story suddenly breaks through:
“Jabez was more honored than his brothers;
and his mother named him Jabez,
saying, ‘Because I bore him in pain.’”

          Can you imagine being named, “Ouch”! 
          I guess that Jabez’s mother wanted him to always remember how much it hurt when he was born.
          In Hebrew, the word Jabez means, “pain”. 
          A literal rendering could read, “He causes pain.”

          Doesn’t sound like the start of a promising life, does it?

All babies arrive with a certain amount of pain, but something about Jabez’s birth went beyond the usual—so much so that his mother chose to memorialize it in her son’s name. 

The pregnancy or the delivery may have been traumatic. 
Perhaps the baby was born breech. 
Or perhaps the mother’s pain was emotional—
          maybe the child’s father abandoned her during the pregnancy,                            maybe he had died;
          maybe the family had fallen into such financial straits that the        prospect of another mouth to feed brought only fear and worry. 

          Only God knows for sure what caused the pain of this anguished mother.  Not that it made much difference to young Jabez. 
          He grew up with a name any boy would love to hate. 
          Imagine if you had to go through childhood enduring the teasing of bullies because your name was pain.

          Something about this man Jabez had caused the historian to pause, clear his throat, and switch tactics.  “Wait a minute” he seems to inject.  “You just gotta know something about this guy named Jabez.”

          As you see here in the middle of nine chapters of names Jabez stands out.
          All that we know about Jabez is his one sentence prayer that follows.  This prayer is what made him more honorable. 

          Something about Jabez’s simple, direct request to God changed his life and left a permanent mark on the history books of Israel. Here it is!
                   “Oh, that You would bless me,        
                   And enlarge my border,
                   That Your hand might be with me,
                   And that You would keep me from evil.”

          1. Oh, that you would bless me indeed!
          I love the urgency of his plea. 
          In Hebrew, adding “indeed” to this prayer was like adding five exclamation points to it. 
          Before we can ask for God’s blessing with confidence, we need a clear understanding of what the word ‘bless’ means. 
          It means more than something that we say after someone sneezes!

          Jabez left it entirely up to God to decide what the blessings would be. 
“Ask,” promised Jesus, “and it will be given to you”.
“You do not have because you do not ask,” said James.

          Only we limit God’s bounty. 
Jabez was blessed simply because he refused to let any obstacle, person, or opinion loom larger than God’s nature. 
And God’s nature is to bless.

I am truly amazed and pleased with what happened here yesterday when eight lay persons met together to vision the future of this church including how our ministries will be funded. This is one of the most positive things that have happened during my ministry here.

You will be hearing more from this group but the one thing I know is that the future of the Church of the Wayfarer is in your hands—not just in the hands of the present or future pastor.

          I pray that God will bless this church in the future with—
Along with Jabez, let us seek God’s blessing.

2. That You would enlarge my territory
The next part of the Jabez prayer—a plea for more territory—is where you ask God to enlarge your life so you can make a greater impact for God. 

Jabez wanted more influence, more responsibility, and more opportunity to make a mark for the God of Israel.

When Jabez cried out to God, “Enlarge my territory!”  He was looking at his present circumstances and concluding, “Surely I was born for more than this!”
When he prays for his territory to be enlarged he is asking God to expand his opportunities and his impact on such a way that he can touch more lives.

If ever there was a time in the 110-year history of the Church of the Wayfarer to pray for God to enlarge our territory it is now and don’t we say, “Surely the Church of the Wayfarer is here for more than this!”

This pastoral transition is the time to explore new ministries,
          new visions and new dreams. 

          I am praying that during this changing time God will lead this church to a ministry that is outside of us and beyond this property—that God will expand our horizons.

          3. That Your hand would be with me!
          The “hand of the Lord” is a biblical term for God’s power and presence in the lives of His people. 
          A church’s growth needs the availability of the hand of God. 

          It is my prayer that God’s hand will be with us as a church. 
          We need God’s guidance to lead us as never before.

          As we experience a changing world, changing technology, changing cultural norms we can know that God’s hand is with us.
          4. That you would keep me from evil!
          When was the last time you asked God to keep you away from temptation? 
          In the same way that God wants you to ask for more blessing, more territory, and more power, God wants us to plead for safekeeping from evil.

          After the attacks on 9/11 I learned a new term. 
          Its SCATANA. 
          SCATANA is a term for a special military operation, meaning Security Control of Air Traffic and navigation Aids.  In a time of national crisis, all civilian airlines go the ground, and military aircraft go into the air, to provide a strong defense. 

          As Christians in a time of crisis we are challenged to practice a kind of spiritual SCATANA:
          To go to the ground of our being.
          To get back to the original mission.
          To go back to the basics.
          When evil confronts us we go to the ground—to the solid ground that is our creation. 
          The King James Version of the Bible has an additional phrase that I like. It is, “That it may not grieve me!” That evil might not grieve me.
          Are you hurt when evil is evident? Let us pray with Jabez that God will keep us from evil.
            How do we do that?
                   It is by the power of the Holy Spirit.
          What is the Holy Spirit?
                   Flames of Fire and the dove are both symbols of the spirit.
                   Power and Peace come when the Holy Spirit fills
                             our hearts,
                             our lives,
                             our church.

          The knowledge
                   that the Holy Spirit of God has taken up residence in our lives,                          that He dwells with us forever,
                   and that He will never leave or forsake us is cause for great                                courage and comfort.
          Thank God for the Holy Spirit and His work in our lives!

          Jesus gave us the purpose for being baptized in the Holy Spirit.
"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;
and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem,
and all Judea and Samaria,
and to the end of the earth".
          The Holy Spirit was part of all things, from the very beginning of scripture to the very end of scripture.
          That is the whole point of the list of names in the first nine chapters of 1Chronicles.
          The spirit of God was with Adam and everyone who followed him—including we who struggle to be the church in today’s world.

          On the day of Pentecost, the believers who were assembled in the Upper Room experienced a new Baptism.
          It is my prayer that that will happen here today.
          Yesterday your new pastor, Mark Bollwinkel, and I knelt at this altar and prayed. He prayed for me. I prayed for him.
          We confessed that we fall short.
          We invited God’s Holy, Powerful, peaceful spirit to fill us and this church.




Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Jesus, the Stranger, Guest and Host

Jesus, the Stranger, Guest and Host
Luke 24:13—16; 28-32   |   5/11/2014
The Church of the Wayfarer
Norm Mowery, Pastor

          Three pastors met together for mutual nurturing and support. On one occasion they decided to confess their faults to each other.
          During the session the first pastor confessed that at times he drinks too much wine…….on occasion he has even finished off the communion wine!
          The second one confessed that he has the problem of flirting with women.
          It was the third pastor’s turn.
          He looked at the other two and said, “I have a terrible problem. I’m not sure that I should confess it.”
          After hesitating he said, “My problem is gossiping!”

          Today we pause to thank God for our Mothers. One thing that we all have in common is the fact that we have a mother who gave birth to us.

          We are thankful for those persons who have nurtured and cared for us throughout our growing up years.

          Throughout the Gospels we get glimpses of the nurturing side of Jesus.

          The account of the journey to Emmaus is one of those.
          It is as unique as it is ironic.
          Appearing only in the gospel of Luke, this story details the appearance of the risen Jesus on the road to Emmaus.
          This is a delightful post-resurrection account.

          Here we have Jesus as a Stranger, Guest and Host.

          All three roles are played by Jesus himself on the road to Emmaus.

          I heard of one church that welcomes strangers as guests instead of as visitors.
          The term 'visitor' implies that they're not here to stay.
          The term 'guest' implies that this is someone for whom you do everything you can to make them feel comfortable.

          The goal in that church is that each guest will receive a total of three greetings before sitting down in worship. These first impressions are critical. Our guests in worship are deciding whether or not to come back long before I speak.

          When two disciples are traveling to the village of Emmaus on Easter afternoon, the risen Jesus comes near and walks with them.
          But they don’t recognize him.
          Jesus asks about the events they're discussing, and one of them says, "Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place there in these days?"

          Jesus is initially depicted as a stranger.

          The disciples practice philoxenia, which literally means "love of the stranger."
          Philoxenia is one of the Greek words used in the New Testament for hospitality. This approach stands in stark contrast to the attitude so prevalent in society today—xenophobia, "fear of the stranger."

          What would it mean for us to practice philoxenia in our church?
          We do it every time we speak to strangers in the fellowship hour instead of chatting only with our friends.
          We do it every time we make an effort to get to know a person who is different from us.
          This is philoxenia—love of the stranger. When we practice it, we discover that strangers really aren't so strange.

          Fortunately, the two disciples rise to the challenge.      
          As they come near the village, Jesus walks ahead as if he is going on. But the disciples urge him strongly, saying, "Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over".

          So Jesus goes in to stay with them and he becomes their guest. They welcome and include him in their lives, and invite him to stay with them.

          Jesus wants us to take good care of the guests who come to us.
          He challenges us to feed the hungry and welcome outcasts. Since we are the body of Christ in the world we are his hands and continue his work.

          We show his presence in the world every time we practice hospitality whether we're feeding the hungry through I-help, going to Salinas to tutor or welcoming a guest in a service of worship.

          Guests are important to Jesus, which is why he played that role on the road to Emmaus. He wanted to challenge his followers to see him as a guest and take good care of him.

          Jesus says,
"I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
                                  I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
          Jesus comes to us as a guest, even today.

          But notice what happens next.
          Jesus, the stranger, becomes a guest of the disciples when he accepts their invitation to stay.
          But then he quickly changes roles.

          When he's sitting at the table with them, he becomes their host—he takes bread, blesses it, breaks it and gives it to them.

          Then their eyes are opened
                   and they recognize him
                   and he vanishes from their sight.
          The disciples discover that, when they welcome a stranger, they welcome the Lord.

          The role of Jesus changes from stranger to guest to host when he sits at the table and breaks the bread.

          Sometimes, it's easier for us to help others than to receive help. We would rather be a host than let someone else be a host.
          At the Lord's Supper we permit Jesus to be our host.
          Open yourself to what he wants to give you.
          Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, your eyes will be opened and you'll recognize him.

          The passage ends with the two disciples racing back to Jerusalem to share the news of their experience with the other disciples. They tell them what happened on the road, and how Jesus "had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread".

          Emmaus is where Jesus came to his disciples as a stranger, guest and host.
          Emmaus is where we learn how to welcome one another around a table, and then go out into the world with a proclamation.
          Emmaus is where we come together and strengthen our bonds with Jesus and with each other.

          When we practice radical hospitality, we become part of a mighty spiritual movement—one that can overcome divisions in a terribly polarized world.

          It all begins when Jesus breaks the bread, our eyes are opened and we recognize him.

          Viktor E. Frankl recounts that when he was in a Nazi concentration camp he was at the end of his rope from starvation. At this point he had lost every possession and was at the bottom of life. Then,
          “a guard secretly gave me a piece of bread which I knew he must have     saved from his breakfast ration. It was far more than the small piece of bread        which moved me to tears at the time. It was the human 'something' this man also gave to me—the word and the look which accompanied the gift."

          Keep on the lookout for that 'human something' the next time you break bread with another person. Their look may open the eyes of your heart.

          Do you know where the phrase 'getting the cold shoulder' comes from?
          In olden days, the lord of the castle would order his servants to serve cold lamb for dinner whenever visitors had overstayed their welcome.
          It was their sign to pack up and leave. We don’t do that!

          Benjamin Franklin's said: "Fish and visitors smell in three days."  I think that we should give them a few more days than that.

          We can see Jesus in strangers and guests.
          We are faced with two questions,
                    'Did we see Christ in them?
                     Did they see Christ in us?'

          Last week at the retirement seminar Donna Bailey read the following. (‘They're Playing Your Song’ By Alan Cohen)

          When a woman in a certain African tribe knows she is pregnant, she goes out into the wilderness with a few friends and together they meditate until they hear the song of the child. 
          They recognize that every soul has its own vibration that expresses its unique flavor and purpose.
          When the women attune to the song, they sing it out loud.
          Then they return to the tribe and teach it to everyone else.

          When the child is born, the community gathers and sings the child's song to him or her.
          Later, when the child enters education, the village gathers and chants the child's song. 
          When the child passes through the initiation to adulthood, the people again come together and sing.
          At the time of marriage, the person hears his or her song. 
          Finally, when the soul is about to pass from this world, the family and friends gather at the person's bed, just as they did at their birth, and they sing the person to the next life.

          There is something inside each of us that knows we have a song, and we wish those we love would recognize it and support us to sing it. 
          In the African tribe there is one other occasion upon which the villagers sing to the child.
          If at any time during his or her life, the person commits a crime or aberrant social act, the individual is called to the center of the village and the people in the community form a circle around them.
          Then they sing their song to them.
          The tribe recognizes that the correction for antisocial behavior is not punishment; it is love and the remembrance of identity.

          When you recognize your own song, you have no desire or need to do anything that would hurt another.

          A friend is someone who knows your song and sings it to you when you have forgotten it.
          Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made or dark images you hold about yourself.
          They remember your beauty when you feel ugly;
                    your wholeness when you are broken;
                    your innocence when you feel guilty;
                    and your purpose when you are confused.

          You may not have grown up in an African tribe that sings your song to you but life is always reminding you when you are in tune with yourself and when you are not.
          When you feel good, what you are doing matches your song, and when you feel awful, it doesn't.
          In the end, we shall all recognize our song and sing it well.
          Just keep singing and you'll find your way home.

          On this Mother’s Day we pray that we will be bound together with love.

          As we sing, ‘Bind Us Together’toss the ball of yarn to your neighbor and let’s bind us all together.